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Youth Board

Are you a young person aged 13 to 21 years old?
Are you passionate about social issues that affect you?
Do you know a young person who is passionate about tackling issues such as domestic abuse and sexual violence?

We are thrilled to announce that we are setting up a Youth Board for What's The Debate!


What's The Debate was originally created with young people, for young people and we are passionate about youth participation and including young people's voice in everything that we do.


Members of What's The Debate Youth Board will consult, help develop and evaluate all of our resources and workshops. There will also be opportunities to develop blogs, podcasts, social media posts, newsletters as well as support for their own campaigns/projects in their communities.


Youth Board Members is a voluntary roles but member's will also have opportunities to attend What's The Debate training sessions, including our Peer Mentoring Training, and have the possibilities of co-facilitating workshops and training sessions with our director. There will also be opportunities to attend networking events.


We are looking for young people aged 13 to 21 years old who are passionate about making a difference to young people's lives and want to see a change in social views and attitudes. What's The Debate is passionate about tackling sexual violence, domestic abuse and exploitation but we are also looking for young people that are passionate about other social issues as well. 


Youth Board Members can come from all over England and will need to commit to at least 5 hours a month for this role. Most of our meetings will be held virtually online but we will also hold meetings face-to-face where we will pay your expenses.


If you know any young people or are a young person aged 13 to 21 years old that would be interested in applying an application form can be completed here.via Google Forms or you can download a Word Version here 


Interviews will be held in March 2022.


For more information, please email our Director, Beckie at

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©What's The Debate? LTD is a Limited Company registered in England (No. 12010138) whose aim is to help with the "Education, Raising Awareness and Prevention of Harmful and Abusive Behaviours through RSE/PSHE Education and Training".

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