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Healthy, positive relationships are shown to be an important factor for children and young people in building and maintaining resilience, promoting emotional wellbeing and increase their personal safety. However, a study conducted by Coram found that 83% of young people had friendship issues, stemming from respect, bullying, peer pressure and many other factors.


What's The Debate? aims to tackle these issues with our Relationships Topics which allow young people to become aware of what constitutes as a healthy relationship, not just in friendships but with families and loving relationships as well. 


Each Topic comprises of

  • 25 PVC Statement Cards with the subject and on the reverse of each card is a statement, which allows Open and Healthy Debates on its meanings and understandings through Peer Education, which in turn promotes Respect, taking turns, and Consideration of others while promoting Skills in Active Listening, Reasoning and Compromising.

  • Powerpoint

  • 4 Lesson Plans

  • Worksheets

  • Facilitators Guide

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Primary Resources

The Primary Relationship Topic allows for children to start understanding the characteristics of positive, healthy relationships. The Statement Cards cover a wide range of issues within different relationships that children may face while growing up such as Family Conflict, Gender Stereotypes, Sexuality, Friendships and Loving Relationships and allows for discussions around Respect, Values and Personal Boundaries.


The Lesson Plans focus on Gender Differences, Respectful Behaviours and Rights within Relationships.

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Secondary Resources

The Secondary Relationship set of 'What's The Debate cards' allows young people to explore the Quality of a Relationship with another person as well as Friendships and Family Relationships. The Statement Cards also tackle the myths and misconceptions within relationships such as Gender Stereotypes, Social Media and other factors which can affect relationships such as Peer Pressure.


The 4 Lesson Plans take young people through a process of self-evaluation to determine their Personal Qualities as well as determine what Qualities they would seek in others within a Relationship to help understand what constitutes as Healthy and Unhealthy, while also looking at Boundaries, Consent and Respect.

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This resource pack on cyberbullying explores the different forms cyberbullying can take such as sexting, trolling and hate crime as well as tackling the myths and misconceptions around gender, impact and the fine line between banter and bullying.


The Lesson Plans on this topic allow young people to discuss the effects of digital drama, cyberbullying, and hate speech on both themselves and their larger communities. Young people will also explore how individual actions -- negative and positive, intentional and unintentional -- can affect their peers and others as well as the importance of tackling bystander behaviour. 

More Topics about Relationships Coming Soon!

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©What's The Debate? LTD is a Limited Company registered in England (No. 12010138) whose aim is to help with the "Education, Raising Awareness and Prevention of Harmful and Abusive Behaviours through RSE/PSHE Education and Training".

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