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  • This resource pack on Cyberbullying explores the different forms cyberbullying can take such as sexting, trolling and hate crime as well as tackling the myths and misconceptions around gender, impact and the fine line between banter and bullying.


    The Lesson Plans on this topic allow young people to discuss the effects of digital drama, cyberbullying, and hate speech on both themselves and their larger communities. Young people will also explore how individual actions -- negative and positive, intentional and unintentional -- can affect their peers and others as well as the importance of tackling bystander behaviour. 

    What's The Debate?- Cyberbullying


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      ©What's The Debate? LTD is a Limited Company registered in England (No. 12010138) whose aim is to help with the "Education, Raising Awareness and Prevention of Harmful and Abusive Behaviours through RSE/PSHE Education and Training".

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