Domestic Abuse Training
The annual Crime Survey estimates that almost 2.5 Million adults experience domestic abuse each year. In addition, one in five children witness or experience domestic abuse in their childhood.
Although it is often an under reported crime, with most cases of domestic abuse kept hidden. The new Domestic Abuse Act 2021 makes prosecuting domestic abuse more straightforward, and offers more protection to those who are being abused, but cases still need to be identified and responses need to be effective.
We have domestic abuse training courses that can introduce the subject to delegates and allow them to gain an understanding and awareness on the subject or we have courses for those that already have a basic understanding and want to focus more directly on supporting those affected by domestic abuse.
We also facilitate educational workshops for Young People
Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness
This course is aimed for those that have little understanding or experience in domestic abuse. This course in an introduction to the subject and it aims to help raise awareness and increase recognition of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Course Objectives
Prevalence of domestic
Defining domestic abuse
Legislation and safeguarding
Identifying attitudes and values
Identifying indicators of domestic abuse
Similar Courses
Domestic Abuse Advanced
This course is aimed for those that already have an understanding or experience in domestic abuse and are wanting to explore the subject further while identifying tools for support and intervention.
Course Objectives
​To explore the impact of domestic abuse on those who experience it and the effect on behaviours and choices including children, parents and male victims.
Understanding and responding to the additional needs of vulnerable groups
Reflection on own values and beliefs in relation to professional and societal responses to domestic abuse
Explore links between grooming and domestic abuse and sexual violence (including grooming of workers and disguised compliance)
Safety planning and other safeguarding tools for workers
Importance of assessment when working with victims and those convicted of/at risk of causing domestic abuse (including MARAC, RiC, local and organisation procedures)
Supporting Victims of Domestic Abuse
This course will define and identify indicators of domestic abuse and understand the impact of domestic abuse on those who experience it covering how it impacts the individual victim. This course will also explore the impact of domestic abuse on children and parenting.
Course Objectives
Describe what domestic abuse and sexual violence is and how to recognise indicators
Explore the societal influences, attitudes and values that impact a victim from coming forward or leaving an abusive relationship
Appreciate the dynamics and barriers that make it hard to report and difficult to leave from domestic abuse
Describe and appreciate the wide-ranging effects on adults, children and vulnerable groups who have experienced domestic violence and abuse and how these can affect behaviours and choices
Be alert to the possibility of domestic abuse in your own workplace
Know how to respond appropriately and where to get support for victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse, identifying organisational, local and national support